Thursday, March 31, 2016

I'm Back!

Am I really back blogging in this platform? It's been a while, actually more than a year since the last time I posted something valuable in this blog. Now, I'm thinking should I move this blog to Wordpress since I already have one set up there or keep this one? Which is better?

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Six Incredible Ways to Get Loads of Traffic to Your Blog

Sure, you can build a blog in less than one hour, but can you build a successful blog with significant traffic within an hour or two? 

Definitely not.

Every serious blogger wants their articles be seen and read at least a hundred times or more. So, how is that possible? 

Here are simple blogging strategies that will absolutely improve your blog traffic. These can be used by newbies and seasoned bloggers alike, and even by those who already have reached their traffic plateau and need assistance expanding their platform beyond its initial reach.

Examine your motives

You want massive traffic to your blog, but why? Is it because you want to help web users, be a great source of information, and make a difference? Or you just want to make yourself popular?

If you answer the latter, then better quit blogging now. If your main purpose is to self-serve, you can be your own hindrance to your blog’s growth. Truth be told is, people want you to talk about them, not you.

While personal experiences are good starting points, enabling you to share first-hand perspectives, spotlighting yourself too much all the time will draw readers away from your site. Strive hard instead to be a resource and help others. And that in return makes you a star.

Understand your audience

What does your audience desires to know from you? One good tool you can use to figure out what your audience is passionate about is Quora. Through this platform you can get a good deal of people’s most pressing questions and concerns.

Also, when working out the things you want to write, consider the ability of your target audience to spread the word. Some readers are more active evangelising your output, while others are less concerned about it.

Hang out where your audience are frequent

Finding out where a large portion of your audience regularly hangs out doesn’t need to break the bank. You may already know a handful of blogs, forums, websites and social media communities where conversations about your topic are taking place. If not, a quick Google search can give you the idea.

Assuming you’ve identified the communities where your potential readers gather, start participating. Take note, however, that it is essential to get a good feel before you jump into any of the conversation.

Send your blog post to relevant influencers

It is easy as sending a short message like this: “I recently published an article on the best apps for start-up owners and thought your subscribers might find it interesting.” Just be sure to send your posts to readers, organisations or blogs that would be interested enough to give your content some time and share it with their networks.

Make Your Blog SEO friendly

This is particularly crucial for Google search to rank your page. Include a headline that users might look for in Google, such as “effective tips to.” Repeat keywords from your headline in your overall text for about three times. You definitely don’t want to appear like a spammer.

Add links to credible outside sources as well. Doing so not only adds value to the reader but also helps you rank in search engines. Google, for one, seeks quality information.

Be generous with your sharing

Share your blog content nearly as much as you have to. Don’t fall into the mentality of “sharing once and forgetting everything.”

Social media plays a big role in doubling your blog traffic. Share your blog post several times in a timely manner, depending on the platform. You may want to tweet, Facebook share and Google+ your write-up as soon as you publish it. A couple of days later, you may tweet it again, or Facebook share it the following week.

However, you should ensure that you’re not publishing the same message on social media again and again, as this becomes spammy. By coming up with different teaser quotes, you are likely to capture different readers.

As you can see, it takes hard work and dedication to promote your article and the methods are endless. On the brighter side, there are more effective resources today than ever before, and some comes for free.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

I'm a December Bride

Almost everything was accomplished in a rush. Our main plan was to have a garden wedding middle of 2015, but because PJ has to attend school next year, we need to have his and Bien's name fixed – so as to avoid inconvenience in the future. Even more so the confusion it may bring to the kids as to why their surname is same as mine and not their father's. Since we have not much time left and the processing for legitimization can reach up to 6 months, we need to hasten the papers for the wedding and be married asap.

Og wa pud diay miy budget pra sa garden wedding kung nadaun man gani to karon mga singsing palang daan hurot na ang bonus..hehehe..So ang garden wedding ani kay tiguman pa namo..

So, why did we choose my husband's place? First and foremost is that we don't have a yaya and a household help to whom I can leave my kids behind while we process the documents. Second, my husband's uncle is the head of the local civil registrar in their town, hence the quick and zero-cost processing of papers even without our presence. Lastly, because of the long holiday, my kins can celebrate the wedding with us despite the distance.

Now to the deeper details of the wedding, we thought of doing the civil ceremony by the beach. We have actually reserved the venue two weeks prior our planned date, however, we couldn't finalize it because of the mayor's schedule. To cut the story short, the mayor said yes to our desired day but he is only available up to 6 am. Yes, 6 am, that's how busy he was that day. And he insisted of doing the ceremony at his house. It was actually his first time to use his own place since all the weddings he officiated were done at the couples' house or in their desired venue.

Ka-unfair naman lang gyud sa among part. Pero lingaw man pud kaau. Di gyud lalim matug og alas onse sa gabie nya mumata og alas tres kapin sa kadlawn og maligo sa perting bugnawa nga tubig. Kurog-kurog akong unod oie. Hahaha.

By 5:40 am all of us were already prepared and dressed up. Naolaw gyud ang mayor kay naa nami sa gate nila unya ngpa init pa xag tubig. And worse, he was just wearing a shirt and basketball shorts. Gatoo siguro xa mag-pambalay rami mgpakasal. Hehehe. And when we were already seated at his living room, he then decided to change clothes. In all fairness, buotan kaau ang mayor sa Manjuyod og perting simpleha og balay bisan adunahan kaau.

Anyways, our civil wedding started at 6 am as promised, and lasted for about 20 minutes only. And we walked back home. My in-laws' house is approximately 10 meters away from the mayor's. Perting layoa sa among gbaktas sah. Hehe.

Now for the reception, we couldn't have it as early as 6 am. We couldn't just wake our visitors up and tell them to have breakfast at the resort. We were only able to finalize our reservation and menu on the 24th after the mayor had confirmed the date. Og nausab gyud tanan plano tungod ana. So after the civil ceremony, we ate breakfast at home, took a nap, and headed at the resort for the wedding reception/lunch.

Why did we choose Aroma Beach Resort? Well, there's no other place in this town that has a function hall for special occasions. Not only it has a good accommodation, it also offers a nice view. Despite the LPA, we had a great time, especially my two boys.

To end this blog, I want to thank the Lord God above all else for giving us this once in a lifetime opportunity inspite of the “palpaks” along the way. To my family for being able to celebrate this wonderful day with us. To my in-laws and the rest of my husband's relatives for the support, love and accommodation. Thank you jud kaau ninyong tanan.

Og di gyud malimtan syempre ang nagbuhat sa lami kaau nga cake bsan pag gi practisan ra to – to Tita Ralen, Lifty, Ate Aiai, and Tehrrence – salamat kaau sa inyong kahago sa pgbuhat sa cake..hehehe :)

To God be the Glory!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

My Son's New Hobby

I didn't realize how easy it was for my eldest child to take photos using our cam, considering he's only three years old and had no experience taking pictures of anyone or anything. Well, my son, you did a marvelous job and mommy couldn't be any more proud. 

These are just some of the photos my son took.

Of course, the night's not complete without having a picture with the photographer. After that exhausting night, the photographer finally asked me to bring him to sleep. By the way, it was past midnight.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Just Perfect!

When I Say I Love You, This is What I Mean.

I've not posted for awhile because of my very busy schedule. But this one surely deserves to be posted. Bravo to the writer - Bryonie Wise.

I love you. And not a day goes by that I don’t tell you.

But the silent poetry that throbs in my chest cannot be uttered in three little words—or 3,000 for that matter. Whenever I try to describe the way I feel for you, every word seems trite and hollow; the whole English language insufficient.
Maybe if I write it, raw and uncut. If I pour myself out, and breathe passion fire into these words and make them live, they might come into your heart and dance. Maybe when you read this it will take you there—to where the wild drums are beating, where pain and bliss both run together, where lovers die into each other, and are born again…
I want you to
know this feel this.
When I say “I love you,” what I really mean is that I want you. From the very first time you ran your fingers through my hair, I have longed for you—for your touch, your embrace, your taste on my lips.
You turn me on. It’s undeniable. It’s chemical. It’s electric.
When I say “I love you,” I really mean that you’re beautiful. You’re gorgeous in your heels and gowns and all your glittering finery, and even more so in your pajamas and blue jeans. When you’re not even trying, when you let go and just be carelessly, naturally you, it takes my breath away—like a sunset reflected in still water, or a starry night so clear you can see the Milky Way poured out across the sky.
When I say “I love you,” I mean that I love your form, your body, your arc and elegance. I love the curve of your neck, your breasts, your back and your hips. You embody pure woman from the curls in your hair down to your ankles and toes. Like no one else can, you awaken the man in me, the beast in me, the passion and hunger and lust.
I love how you move, your effortless grace. I love how you walk, your rhythm and sway. I love how you dance. I love how we fuck­—how we breathe and thrust and grind as one. One pulse, one pleasure, one ecstatic culmination; a prayer, a holy communion.
When I say “I love you,” I mean all of you, just as you are. I love your silliness and your playfulness, how easily we can laugh at ourselves and at life. I love your courage, your strength. I love your jealousy and insecurity. I love your (sometimes painful) honesty. I love how you really walk your talk and take responsibility for your own “stuff.” I love your willingness to face your fears and grow.
I love who you are, deep down—the timeless innocence I see in your eyes. Underneath everything you say and do I see a pure and selfless intent, a kind and compassionate soul.

When I say “I love you,” I mean I trust youI respect you. I admire you. I adore you.

When I say “I love you,” I mean that I’m sorry. I’m sorry for every time I take you for granted. I’m sorry for every time I’m too busy, too distant, too self-absorbed to make time for you. I’m sorry for every time I fall short of being the man you deserve.
When I say “I love you,” I mean that I love this dance of loving each other. I love how it constantly calls me to go deeper, to walk my talk, to own my shit, to face my fears and grow. I love sharing life with you—the triumphs and the failures, the laughter and the painful silence.
When I say “I love you,” I mean my life is better with you in it. I’m a better man because of you. And the more I come to know you, the more I want to know. I miss you when you’re not around. I’m grateful for every moment we’re together.
When I say “I love you,” I mean I want to be the one you turn to when you’re hurting. I want to be the one who listens. I want to hold you in my arms. I want to take care of you. I want to give you something to stand on in this crazy, constantly changing world.
I want to make a home and a family with you. I want you to be my partner, my lover, my Radhe—the yin to my yang. I want to wake up next to you in the morning. I want you beside me when I close my eyes at night. In a universe of infinite possibilities, on a planet of seven billion human beings, I want you.
Baby, the next time I grab you as you’re passing by, put my arms around your waist and pull you close, kiss your sweet lips, look deep into your eyes and say “I love you,” this is what I really mean:
Here I am—body and soul, sinner and saint, warrior and fool, all of my love and all of my baggage—all of me. Here I am, with open arms.
I see you—mother, daughter, sister, lover, the light and the darkness, the goddess and the scared little girl—all of you. I want you, all of you, you and only you, just as you are.
I have a place here in my heart for you. 
Ed: Bryonie Wise

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Rules for a Happy Marriage

Have you ever considered the rules for a happy marriage? Do you take them on a daily dose to have a long-lasting healthy marriage life? Check out below the different versions of the rules I got from Mr. Google.

I could say, being with my hubby for over four years now, not all the rules have been followed. Though we rarely fight, there are just some nights we let our pride take over. Well, I guess it's part of a healthy relationship.

I couldn't have a long post today. So I gotta go! See you on my next post which I don't know when it will be since I've been into many things these past few weeks.