Tuesday, December 30, 2014

I'm a December Bride

Almost everything was accomplished in a rush. Our main plan was to have a garden wedding middle of 2015, but because PJ has to attend school next year, we need to have his and Bien's name fixed – so as to avoid inconvenience in the future. Even more so the confusion it may bring to the kids as to why their surname is same as mine and not their father's. Since we have not much time left and the processing for legitimization can reach up to 6 months, we need to hasten the papers for the wedding and be married asap.

Og wa pud diay miy budget pra sa garden wedding kung nadaun man gani to karon december..hehehe..sa mga singsing palang daan hurot na ang bonus..hehehe..So ang garden wedding ani kay tiguman pa namo..

So, why did we choose my husband's place? First and foremost is that we don't have a yaya and a household help to whom I can leave my kids behind while we process the documents. Second, my husband's uncle is the head of the local civil registrar in their town, hence the quick and zero-cost processing of papers even without our presence. Lastly, because of the long holiday, my kins can celebrate the wedding with us despite the distance.

Now to the deeper details of the wedding, we thought of doing the civil ceremony by the beach. We have actually reserved the venue two weeks prior our planned date, however, we couldn't finalize it because of the mayor's schedule. To cut the story short, the mayor said yes to our desired day but he is only available up to 6 am. Yes, 6 am, that's how busy he was that day. And he insisted of doing the ceremony at his house. It was actually his first time to use his own place since all the weddings he officiated were done at the couples' house or in their desired venue.

Ka-unfair naman lang gyud sa among part. Pero lingaw man pud kaau. Di gyud lalim matug og alas onse sa gabie nya mumata og alas tres kapin sa kadlawn og maligo sa perting bugnawa nga tubig. Kurog-kurog akong unod oie. Hahaha.

By 5:40 am all of us were already prepared and dressed up. Naolaw gyud ang mayor kay naa nami sa gate nila unya ngpa init pa xag tubig. And worse, he was just wearing a shirt and basketball shorts. Gatoo siguro xa mag-pambalay rami mgpakasal. Hehehe. And when we were already seated at his living room, he then decided to change clothes. In all fairness, buotan kaau ang mayor sa Manjuyod og perting simpleha og balay bisan adunahan kaau.

Anyways, our civil wedding started at 6 am as promised, and lasted for about 20 minutes only. And we walked back home. My in-laws' house is approximately 10 meters away from the mayor's. Perting layoa sa among gbaktas sah. Hehe.

Now for the reception, we couldn't have it as early as 6 am. We couldn't just wake our visitors up and tell them to have breakfast at the resort. We were only able to finalize our reservation and menu on the 24th after the mayor had confirmed the date. Og nausab gyud tanan plano tungod ana. So after the civil ceremony, we ate breakfast at home, took a nap, and headed at the resort for the wedding reception/lunch.

Why did we choose Aroma Beach Resort? Well, there's no other place in this town that has a function hall for special occasions. Not only it has a good accommodation, it also offers a nice view. Despite the LPA, we had a great time, especially my two boys.

To end this blog, I want to thank the Lord God above all else for giving us this once in a lifetime opportunity inspite of the “palpaks” along the way. To my family for being able to celebrate this wonderful day with us. To my in-laws and the rest of my husband's relatives for the support, love and accommodation. Thank you jud kaau ninyong tanan.

Og di gyud malimtan syempre ang nagbuhat sa lami kaau nga cake bsan pag gi practisan ra to – to Tita Ralen, Lifty, Ate Aiai, and Tehrrence – salamat kaau sa inyong kahago sa pgbuhat sa cake..hehehe :)

To God be the Glory!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

My Son's New Hobby

I didn't realize how easy it was for my eldest child to take photos using our cam, considering he's only three years old and had no experience taking pictures of anyone or anything. Well, my son, you did a marvelous job and mommy couldn't be any more proud. 

These are just some of the photos my son took.

Of course, the night's not complete without having a picture with the photographer. After that exhausting night, the photographer finally asked me to bring him to sleep. By the way, it was past midnight.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Just Perfect!

When I Say I Love You, This is What I Mean.

I've not posted for awhile because of my very busy schedule. But this one surely deserves to be posted. Bravo to the writer - Bryonie Wise.

I love you. And not a day goes by that I don’t tell you.

But the silent poetry that throbs in my chest cannot be uttered in three little words—or 3,000 for that matter. Whenever I try to describe the way I feel for you, every word seems trite and hollow; the whole English language insufficient.
Maybe if I write it, raw and uncut. If I pour myself out, and breathe passion fire into these words and make them live, they might come into your heart and dance. Maybe when you read this it will take you there—to where the wild drums are beating, where pain and bliss both run together, where lovers die into each other, and are born again…
I want you to
know this feel this.
When I say “I love you,” what I really mean is that I want you. From the very first time you ran your fingers through my hair, I have longed for you—for your touch, your embrace, your taste on my lips.
You turn me on. It’s undeniable. It’s chemical. It’s electric.
When I say “I love you,” I really mean that you’re beautiful. You’re gorgeous in your heels and gowns and all your glittering finery, and even more so in your pajamas and blue jeans. When you’re not even trying, when you let go and just be carelessly, naturally you, it takes my breath away—like a sunset reflected in still water, or a starry night so clear you can see the Milky Way poured out across the sky.
When I say “I love you,” I mean that I love your form, your body, your arc and elegance. I love the curve of your neck, your breasts, your back and your hips. You embody pure woman from the curls in your hair down to your ankles and toes. Like no one else can, you awaken the man in me, the beast in me, the passion and hunger and lust.
I love how you move, your effortless grace. I love how you walk, your rhythm and sway. I love how you dance. I love how we fuck­—how we breathe and thrust and grind as one. One pulse, one pleasure, one ecstatic culmination; a prayer, a holy communion.
When I say “I love you,” I mean all of you, just as you are. I love your silliness and your playfulness, how easily we can laugh at ourselves and at life. I love your courage, your strength. I love your jealousy and insecurity. I love your (sometimes painful) honesty. I love how you really walk your talk and take responsibility for your own “stuff.” I love your willingness to face your fears and grow.
I love who you are, deep down—the timeless innocence I see in your eyes. Underneath everything you say and do I see a pure and selfless intent, a kind and compassionate soul.

When I say “I love you,” I mean I trust youI respect you. I admire you. I adore you.

When I say “I love you,” I mean that I’m sorry. I’m sorry for every time I take you for granted. I’m sorry for every time I’m too busy, too distant, too self-absorbed to make time for you. I’m sorry for every time I fall short of being the man you deserve.
When I say “I love you,” I mean that I love this dance of loving each other. I love how it constantly calls me to go deeper, to walk my talk, to own my shit, to face my fears and grow. I love sharing life with you—the triumphs and the failures, the laughter and the painful silence.
When I say “I love you,” I mean my life is better with you in it. I’m a better man because of you. And the more I come to know you, the more I want to know. I miss you when you’re not around. I’m grateful for every moment we’re together.
When I say “I love you,” I mean I want to be the one you turn to when you’re hurting. I want to be the one who listens. I want to hold you in my arms. I want to take care of you. I want to give you something to stand on in this crazy, constantly changing world.
I want to make a home and a family with you. I want you to be my partner, my lover, my Radhe—the yin to my yang. I want to wake up next to you in the morning. I want you beside me when I close my eyes at night. In a universe of infinite possibilities, on a planet of seven billion human beings, I want you.
Baby, the next time I grab you as you’re passing by, put my arms around your waist and pull you close, kiss your sweet lips, look deep into your eyes and say “I love you,” this is what I really mean:
Here I am—body and soul, sinner and saint, warrior and fool, all of my love and all of my baggage—all of me. Here I am, with open arms.
I see you—mother, daughter, sister, lover, the light and the darkness, the goddess and the scared little girl—all of you. I want you, all of you, you and only you, just as you are.
I have a place here in my heart for you. 
Ed: Bryonie Wise

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Rules for a Happy Marriage

Have you ever considered the rules for a happy marriage? Do you take them on a daily dose to have a long-lasting healthy marriage life? Check out below the different versions of the rules I got from Mr. Google.

I could say, being with my hubby for over four years now, not all the rules have been followed. Though we rarely fight, there are just some nights we let our pride take over. Well, I guess it's part of a healthy relationship.

I couldn't have a long post today. So I gotta go! See you on my next post which I don't know when it will be since I've been into many things these past few weeks.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

The LOVE of My Life, Happy Father's Day!

What is a Dad?

A dad is someone who
wants to catch you before you fall
but instead picks you up,
brushes you off,
and lets you try again.

A dad is someone who
wants to keep you from making mistakes
but instead lets you find your own way,
even though his heart breaks in silence
when you get hurt.

A dad is someone who
holds you when you cry,
scolds you when you break the rules,
shines with pride when you succeed,
and has faith in you even when you fail…

Happy Father's Day to the man of my heart, the father of my kids, the love of my life, and to the one and only man I love to bits and pieces. I'm more than blessed and grateful to be sharing life, love and parenthood with you. So glad you are here with me in this fun and crazy ride. I only can't imagine anyone who's a more loving, more caring and sweeter husband than you. You are so much more than just a “husband”. You're a partner in life whom I value so much more than you could ever know. You're the LOVE that I'll always and forever need. I know you just can't live without me (and the kids)..haha.. And I want you to know I just can't live without you too, my love. Since you came into my life, I can't imagine how life will be without you in it. We have been more than a husband and a wife, we've been each other's heart beat and each other's mind.

Thank you so much palangga for all the ways you go above and beyond each single day for our family. I, PJ and Bien are so lucky to have you in spite of the tantrums, and mood swings which most of the time you do have..Hahaha..We are grateful to have you in our lives. You make us happy.

Happy Father's Day to my Macho, Gwapo, Fabulous, Amazing, and Super Sexy Hubby! Hahahaha! I love you Mi Amore! We love you Daddy Procie!

Lots of love, hugs, kisses and cuddles,
Mommy Ahyee, Kuya PJ and Baby Bien

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Motherhood is a Blessing from God

I am My Sons' Super Mom!

Not all superheroes wear capes! I'm a mother, what's your superpower?

I may not be perfect, but every time I look at my two adorable yet so naughty boys, I know I got something in my life PERFECTLY RIGHT! As quoted by Elder M. Russel Ballard: There is no one perfect way to be a good mother. Each situation is unique. Each mother has different challenges, different skills and abilities, and certainly different children. What matters is that a mother loves her children deeply.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

I'm a Proud Housewife and a Work-at-Home Mom!

PJ fell asleep on the laptop.

He was so eager for me to finish, but fell asleep. Poor little child!

Any work-at-home mothers will know that it's difficult to be taken seriously. Most men think we're not really devoted to our job. For all the narrow-minded men out there, let me tell you this: We, mothers, who work from home put in a 12-hour shift or so caring for small children and then work long into the night. We work when we can, in a sudden flurry, in fits and starts, because it leaves us with no choice. We work at weekends. We work in the evenings until the break of dawn. We work at nap time. And more often than not, we work while baby sitting a crying child on our knee. We try to get up before the children wake up, so we can squeeze in an extra hour, though we just had slept. We rarely get lunch breaks on time, and what supposedly be drank hot; we take it cold. We work because we must – whether for financial reason; or we need to keep up a career so that when the children grow up, we have left something for ourselves; or we need the stimulation; or for all these reasons.

I never thought of becoming a housewife. I had always seen myself working, until I gave birth to my second child, my entire outlook on life changed. I saw the difference between a working-mom from being a work-at-home mom, and between a breast-fed child from not. My first child, PJ, was just 3 months old when I had to get back to work and was nearly 4 months when I stopped breastfeeding him. I could clearly remember how he had gotten sick most of the time, like every 2-3 months we had to go to his doctor to have him checked. And it was costly. Nevertheless, as soon as I started staying at home, PJ, who was about one and a half year old that time, had never been to the doctor up to now. He is turning three next month. Of course, there are times he was sick, but because I am home, I know how to manage his illness that there is no need to bring him to his pedia. Cough, colds and high-fever never failed to pay him a visit every time he was teething. It was a suffering for both of us. Thank God, his teeth are complete now. My second son, the youngest, Bien, was rarely sick. He went to the doctor twice only on his entire existence. He is, by the way, one and five months old. Oh, the benefits of breast milk! I tell you it is highly exceptional and simply incomparable! Teething was not a problem for Bien and I, and I hope it will never be one until he gets his set of teeth complete.

Parents at home, may they be men or women, who work while looking after their tykes, should be appreciated for running businesses from home or for working virtually at home in whatever area they have picked out. Not disdained or discriminated against. To be described as just as a housewife who is earning a pin money while the husband does the actual providing disparages everything women have fought for. I didn't like the way I was treated when I traded my briefcase for my diaper bag. And just like a shot, I felt to be a humdrum, or that's what my parents made me feel. So, here's a shout-out to all homemakers, it is okay to be home, and if you are going to do it, do it proudly!

After being on both sides of the fence, this I can tell you, being a full-time homemaker as well as a full-time work-at-home mom is the hardest job there is in this freaking universe. There is nothing more important than your family. If you are lucky enough to be home, embrace it!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

A Mother of Proverbs

 It is good to remember all the ways that our mothers have taught us. The woman in this proverb brings practical knowledge in the affairs of day to day life. From learning to tie shoes to empathizing with discouragement from a hard day, the role of this woman blesses her children for the rest of their lives. Whether your earthly mother fits this bill or not, the mother of proverbs stands as an example to help us navigate the opportunities and challenges of life.

Proverbs 31:28-29

by Dave Whitehead, Senior Pastor, GraceNYC.org

In a recent survey of what makes marriages last, one of the main factors was that each participant had a higher opinion of their spouse than the spouse did of themselves. This was part of the goal of the writer of the proverbs 31 woman. A woman could read this passage and wither under the comparison, but to look at our mothers and wives through the lens of the writer is to stand and bless them. This Mother’s Day lift up the woman who has no equal, for there may be many virtuous and capable women, but she surpasses them all! Happy Mother’s Day!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

A Mother's Day Dilemma: Kids or Work?

Being on a hiatus for I guess two months blanked my mind on what to post on this blog. I've been very busy with household chores and child-rearing ever since the kids' nanny and our household help left us. The latter without any notice. So it gave me no choice but to work around the house while sacrificing the little joys of my heart. One of them was blogging. And the other one is work. But few days ago, an answered prayer arrived in our house and there were two of them. Oh! How God could be so right on time. And that means I'm back on track and soon enough I'll be working. Am I really ready to work after five long months of me and the kids alone? The past five months have been a roller-coaster-mommy-stage for me. Throwback 2011, three months after giving birth to my eldest son, I left him on the nanny's care cause I gotta return to my job. It was terribly painful but what pained me more was that the nanny knew better what my child wanted and what every single act he did meant. Worse, he was sick almost every month. I just don't want to repeat the same mistakes again. That's why when I gave birth to my second son I finally decided to be a stay at home working mom. And yes, it did work! But to tell you it could be one of the most difficult jobs a person can have. Anyway, I'll talk about that soon. Getting back, being with my two awesome tykes for the past five months, made me knew them deeper. I love how I get to take care of them every single second of the day. A job I so simply enjoy doing. So much more if I get paid. Haha! I don't mind the eye bags, the sleepless nights (since I gave birth to Bien the nights have always been sleepless and to think he's more than a year older now) and the empty pockets both left and right. I may have stopped earning but the time I get to spend with them while seeing them grow right in front of my eyes is absolutely priceless. Just a thought, if only all the working moms can quit their jobs and spend their time on their kids, they will all do so. I did. I took a risk. Though I know it won't last. I don't know how many more weeks are left for me to spend all my time to my two precious gifts. This is making me sad already. I'd better stop now.

Even so, I won't end this post without an answer to my own question: Am I really ready to work? No, but I have to. I love my kids so much that only God knows how much I am willing to sacrifice everything for them. And because I wasn't born rich I gotta work my ass off so I can start saving for their future and give them the life they more than deserve. So much so, if I want to send them to the best school there is in this city, then I better start earning now.

I just realized that I didn't have a topic until I started blabbing. It's past midnight yet today is the day for us mothers (let our husband and kids spoil us..hahaha!) so before I doze off here's a shout out for all of us mothers and that includes even the single daddies: HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Helping your Child Learn Without Stress

I thought of doing my own research and came up with my own article as to how my eldest son, PJ, will learn and enjoy school without feeling/becoming stressed. Since he'd be going to school this school opening or maybe next year when he turns four, I want him to have fun every moment of his school days.

A person, whether a child or an adult, is not really truly alive without stress. Call it great expectations. Name it pressure. Term it as big challenges. Whatever its label the result is the same: stress. But stress itself is not a bad thing. In all methods of learning there is stress.

Getting children learn effectively without any stress is a hard nut to crack. But one thing that is almost always true is that for children to learn, they should enjoy the learning process as much as possible. Being pressured to learn something will never make children wanting to learn - the most successful teaching is when learning almost comes as a by-product of enjoyment.

Here are some things you need to know on how your child can learn without becoming stressed.

Be responsive and communicative.

Listen to your children. Don't just talk to them, but communicate. Recognize and accept their needs. Show constant love, support and presence whether on successful times or during failures. Don't just reward them when they got an A+, praise them. Tell them how proud and happy you are. On the other hand, support them on times of trouble.
If they failed an exam or an experiment went wrong, allow them to express their feelings. What is important is for them to know that you are there and you love and support them.

Communication also means negotiating home rules, including consequences for rule breaking. Stick to the rules. Home rules are one of the ways in providing your kids a stable home environment. This bring opportunities for kids to learn their lesson in a proper way through their mistakes (if ever they intend to break the rules).

Encourage children to express feelings.

Allow children to release the pressure within them and offload their feelings. Respond to whatever they may be going through by letting them know that you are there and that you care. Let's say for instance, exams! They can pressure your children without you noticing it. Don't add to the pressure by forcing your kids to study. Ask, “What subject do you want to study first?”, “How do you want to study?” Listen attentively and calmly to whatever response your kids give – with patience, openness and interest.

If something went wrong at school, perhaps a conflict between your child and his classmate. Don't judge, blame, yell, lecture or tell your kids what they should have done instead. The focus is to let your children's concerns be heard. Encourage your kids to share the whole story by asking questions. Take your time but allow them to take their time first. Acknowledge whatever emotions your children are expressing, this will let them know and feel that their bright and dark sides are wholly accepted and welcome.

Have fun being together

Allow your kids to learn through play and encourage them to develop naturally their individual pace. Let them lead when they play and just follow, rather than trying to direct or teach them. Only them know what and when they are ready to learn.

Enjoy your kids' company and allow them to be themselves. Give them the empowering and comforting message through your interactions that they are enough.

Promote play as therapy.

Nurture the habit of continuous, self-directed play so that your kids have plenty of opportunities to benefit from play's therapeutic effect. As your kids grow, continue to offer lots of downtime between activities. Cherish daydreams and puttering.

You may suggest activities kids can do or encourage them to think of a couple of ideas. Support good ideas and add to them if needed. Ask, “How do you think this will work?” Sometimes talking, listening and feeling understood is all what your kids needed to have that will aid in their learning process.

Set up a daily routine.

Routines are good and they help alleviate stress. Setting up a regular get-up time, bath time and bedtime is essential at any age. It also helps children learn to develop routines themselves.

Along with routines, goes time management. It's important to encourage your children plenty of time to work on their studies if they want to do well, and this can save them from a lot of stress if they plan ahead with good management skills. Of course, you're there to guide them along the way.

Help children learn from their mistakes.

There must be a balance between setting limits, being open to communicating, and punishment. When children misbehave, and for sure they will, try to understand their behavior instead of merely punishing it. When children come to expect only punishment, they're not going to tell you what they are doing. Parents were created to be their little ones' gentle, emphatic leaders.

Get Organized

Encourage your children a system of organization even at an early age for note-taking, keeping track of assignments and other important papers. Being organized can give you and your children peace of mind that comes from knowing where everything is, remembering exam dates, and so on. Keep a calendar or a schedule, together with your children, for their school assignment, project deadlines – and you'll find it prevents a great deal of stress.

Make a pleasant study environment.

Begin with identifying which spot in the house your children are most comfortable to study. A soothing environment can reduce stress and help kids learn. You may play classical music as your kids study to soothe them, unless they find it distracting.

Give your kids enough sleep.

If you want your children's performance be optimum, then they need to be well-rested. Research shows that those who are deprived of sleep have more trouble learning and remembering. Power naps are great too. Make sure your kids can take power naps or not too tired before they study.

Hope this article will be of big help to you. I'll surely be happy to make more articles geared toward parenthood and schooling for my readers. :)

Friday, March 14, 2014

The Other Little Man - Bien

So as promised on my last post, here's a quick story about my second son, the youngest for now. I and my husband still wish for a baby girl, though.

Some of his latest photos:

I had a C-Section on my first boy so it wasn't advisable for a mom who has just been on a CS to bear a child again, at least for 2 years. Much to my surprise and to my husband, I was pregnant once again when my little one, PJ, was merely 9 months old. I had to say it was really difficult for me since I had to continue working to support our finances while at the same time saving for the due date. I juggled work and motherhood, and being a wife too. I needed to wake up at wee hours to bottle-fed PJ which could probably one of the reasons I was anemic during my pregnancy, then get up at 5 am to prepare for work. As they say preggies need to have lots of rest but to my dismay, I wasn't given many opportunities to have it. Anyway, the 9 months passed by so quickly and through GOD'S AMAZING GRACE, I had a normal delivery. No fundal push. No Oxytocin. Just Nipple Stimulation (which I didn't believe to be effective when I was still a nursing student/nurse intern). And of course, I couldn't be grateful enough for my OB. She's the best in town. Imagine, she attends to about 20 patients a day. Although she was kind of strict on my weight gain and diet because we both wanted to have a normal delivery, she was very motherly. She treated me with so much kindness and sincerity. No wonder why she gets to have lots of patients.

Here are his first few photos. I was able to have him on the 3rd day because he went on an antibiotic treatment which was due to my UTI. It was such a painful moment for me not being able to hold my dear baby close to me and had almost no idea how he was since the nursery room was a bit far from my room.

So much for that, I want to tell you that I had the most painful experience on my entire existence during the last 2 hours of my labor. You wouldn't know how painful labor pains are until you get to experience them. I was just so thankful for the pieces of advice slash tips-for-faster-and-less-painful-labor my loved ones and my OB kept on telling me. If it weren't for those things, I might have undergone a long and very very very painful labor. Btw, I went to the hospital at around 1 am where I was already 4 cm dilated. Then by 5 am it was about 7 cm and by 7:30, I was transferred into the delivery room. Remembering the pains I had, I just wouldn't want to be pregnant again, not even in my imagination. Yes, that's me being very honest to the point of hurting my hubby. But, a big BUT, if we are financially equipped the moment we decide to have a baby again, I'll have CS. Haha. When I gave birth to my first boy, I reached 7 cm with so little pain. That's why I never expected labor pains could really be that painful on my second child. BUT, another big but, the happiness I felt when I first heard my baby cried, when the doctors put him on my chest, and when I held him next to me on the recovery room, all the pains were washed away. It was a kind of happiness only a mother could know.

Here he was on his 1st birthday.

He is now 1 year and 2 months old. Oh, he's getting bigger and naughtier. He walks around the house like a boss! And his older brother the CEO! haha. Before I forget, his name is Procie Benjamin, Bien for short.